Hey there – I'm Florence and I've got the prettiest eyes you'll ever see! My foster mom is a sucker for beautiful white dogs so she's trying very hard not to fall in love with me.
My foster mom says I'm an easy little girl – I get along with everyone. I live with two older pit mixes who I LOVE to play with. They're teaching me limits and boundaries and how to be the best dog. I also live with two little humans who I adore. I love greeting them when they get home from school and know that I can't jump on them.
I am mostly potty trained but sometimes my family doesn't see the cues I'm trying to give them and I still have the occasional accident. I love my crate and will lay right down in there. I even eat in my kennel, but will let you know I'm hungry until you bring me my food!
I love walks and would do great with a family who is active and wants to take me walking or hiking. I've got a fair amount of puppy energy that needs to come out one way or another. I do know which toys are mine and which are my kids, but sometimes the kids' toys smell TOO GOOD and I just can't help myself. ? I absolutely love having a back yard to hang out in. The cold weather wasn't ideal but now I could sit outside for hours and smell around the yard. The resident dogs are teaching me the art of sunbathing and it's just fabulous!
I've been in rescue for awhile because I've been dealing with some skin issues (as do a lot of white Pitties). My family and the vetting team has me on special food that seems to be doing the trick and I'm doing so much better than I was. So my forever family will have to be able to provide me with special food, and lots of love.
Most importantly, I want to spend time with my people. I will follow my family around the house, in the backyard, anywhere you let me. I just want to be with my humans. I will follow you to the end of the earth and then lay down in your lap for a snuggle.
Are you looking for a new bestest best friend? Will you spend lots of time with me and give me the special care I deserve? Fill out an application and maybe we can meet!