I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Hello there โ€“ my name is Aaron, as in Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner of Criminal Minds. Much like the character on the series, I can be pretty stoic but I'm learning it's safe to let the puppy in me come out and enjoy my surroundings. My three siblings and I came to MN from New Mexico in a not so great situation where our mom had had many litters and we were all living outside, so we're happy to have been rescued by Save-A-Bull. That being said, we are the mutties mutts you'll ever meet! We are mainly pittie/bullie even though we don't look it but we also have some (takes deep breath) Chow, Husky, Shar-Pei, Aussie, Shepherd, Chihuahua, American Eskimo, Polynesian street dog (google it โ€“ my foster mom has to) and get this... 2% Wolf! Yes, you read that right โ€“ I said I'm 2% Wolf. Pretty cool, huh? My foster mom calls me her "little wolf" and sometimes Prancer โ€“ because she says I look more like a reindeer and when I'm really feeling myself on our walks, I definitely prance!

I've recently changed foster homes for a change of scenery and to help work on some of my anxieties about the outside world. As I mentioned, I came from New Mexico where we lived outside and (my foster mom thinks) didn't have much human interaction so meeting new people and going new places makes me nervous. My foster mom is dedicated to helping me discover that I don't have to fear new adventures or people and that I can just enjoy being a young pup. I have an older (3-year-old) dog sister here who is helping me too. She loves to play and is really good with matching my level of play. She is really confident and she and my foster mom are showing me that the world isn't as scary as I thought it was. I envy her confidence and want to be just like her one day. I'm in the city now and so I'm hearing all sorts of noises I hadn't heard before which doesn't really bother me as much as I thought it was going to. When we're on walks and I hear loud noises or see people walk/running towards us, it makes me kinda nervous but I'm getting used to it and trying not to run and hide anymore. Instead, I'd just prefer to walk faster to get outta there. ๐Ÿ™‚ My foster mom does a good job of showing me I have nothing to fear by leading me with confidence but also being patient with me. She gives me the space and time I need to do things on my own and then gets really excited about it. I'm not as excited about my victories as she is, especially when itโ€™s about hopping into the bathtub for bath time but whatever, it's fine.

Some things to know about me โ€“ I am crate trained and potty trained. My foster mom has bells hanging on the back door and I very quickly learned how they work. I just ring the bells and she opens the door for me, I feel so pampered. I've learned how to sit and wait for the okay before starting to eat my food. I recently learned to wait for my food before starting to scarf it down. I also have learned shake which I will offer up for anything I want from my foster mom, including but not limited to chin scratches (my favorite)! Iโ€™ve learned โ€œdownโ€ and "look" (this one takes me longer since I'm so shy), and โ€œleave itโ€. We are going to start working on recall now and I know I'll ace that too. Though I can be shy with new people and surroundings, I'm not shy about being sweet. I'm the gentlest pup and ridiculously sweet once I've warmed up to you. Since learning to shake, I use that as my way of asking for things like treats, scratches or play. It seems to be working pretty well but sometimes my foster mom tells me "no more" and I accept that.

I've met a few new humans and dogs since being here and it's gone pretty well. I definitely warm up to women faster than I do to men but I'm doing so well compared to where I was just a few weeks ago. I even went and sat on a patio with my foster mom, her brother and my dog sister โ€“ it was a relatively quiet patio but nonetheless, I did it! And I attended my first foster event at Bad Weather Brewing and did pretty good. It was loud and kinda scary but I managed to get through it and even get some cute photos taken while there.ย 

My wish list for my new home would be something like the following:

  • Lots of patience and encouragement as I learn to do new things and overcome my fears. Perhaps a more confident dog brother/sister in the home that can help me with feeling more confident.
  • A home without small children because they can be quick and loud, and that tends to startle me.
  • Perhaps someone who likes to jog/run because I would do that over walking any day and it helps get some of my energy out, though for still being a pup I'm not very high energy.
  • A big yard to play catch or tag with my siblings would be amazing!
  • Oh yeah! Treats and a cozy bed, even though I highly prefer to lay next to you.
  • And, I shouldn't forget this โ€“ someone who loves to give scratches! I die for under the neck and chest scratches โ€“ it will stop me in my tracks. My foster mom says it's her secret weapon to calm me and she's right โ€“ I can't resist those scratches!

There is so much more of my personality that is to come โ€“ I just need someone to give me a chance to show them what an awesome dog I am. Perhaps that someone is you!

Aaron is sponsored by Rhymesayers Entertainment.
If you'd like to sponsor a dog please click here.

  • Shepherd & Mutt
  • Male
  • 2 Years OldMy DoB is 09/11/2022 (Estimated)
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Black
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